Kathmandu to Silguri Bus

Kathmandu to Silguri Bus

Kathmandu to Silguri direct bus tickets for Sikkim, Darjeeling, Kolkata and eastern India tours.Kathmandu to Silguri Bus tickets reservation, Booking by the Sikkim Darjeeling tour agency Kathmandu. Kathmandu to  Silguri Bus Departure time, information about the Air suspension Buses, Duration of the Bus journey details by our Silguri Bus booking travel and tours. Kathmandu to Silguri Bus takes 18 hours to Access Silguri which is 25 km far from kakarvitta. Kathmandu to Silguri online Bus ticket booking by the Green City travel and tours and Cost of the Silguri Bus tickets Rs. 2200 NPR. Just phone us and pay by the online media for reservation online Kathmandu to Silguri Bus tickets.